Nadja Benaissa of the German pop group No Angels was convicted on August 26, 2010 of causing grievous bodily harm to man following her teary courtroom confession in which she blamed carelessness for her recklessness just days earlier. The prosecutor failed to seek jail time and as a result she received a two year suspended sentence with 300 hours of community service.
The reason for her light sentence was most likely because she was tried in youth court despite the fact that she exposed herself the most as an adult because she claimed her first victim at the age of 17. This leaves one to speculate why she has not been charged separately in adult court, because after all Fräulein Benaissa is a big girl now.
Benaissa first became aware of her HIV status in 1999 when she was pregnant with her daughter following several years of crack cocaine abuse that began at the age of 14. This did not stop her from having unprotected sex with at least three men between the year 2000 and 2004. It is not known if any other victims exist.
Benaissa and her band No Angels became famous in 2000 after winning the German reality talent show Popstars. The group consisting of Nadja Benaissa, Sandy Mölling, Jessica Wahls, and red head Ludmilla Diakovska whose appearance slightly resembles that of American D list comedian Kathy Griffin are widely considered to be the Spice Girls of Germany.
This report has been updated to include a CNN video covering her trial.
Nadja Benaissa von der deutschen Popgruppe No Angels am 26. August verurteilt wurde, 2010 der schwere oder gefährliche Körperverletzung, um nach ihrem tränenreichen Geständnis Gerichtssaal, in dem sie die Schuld für ihren Leichtsinn Leichtsinn nur wenige Tage zuvor der Mensch. Der Staatsanwalt konnte jail time suchen und als Ergebnis erhielt sie eine zweijährige Bewährungsstrafe mit 300 Stunden gemeinnütziger Arbeit.
Benaissa erstmals Kenntnis von ihren HIV-Status in 1999, als sie schwanger war mit ihrer Tochter nach mehreren Jahren von Crack Missbrauch, im Alter von 14 begann. Das hielt sie nicht davon aus ungeschütztem Sex mit mindestens drei Männern zwischen dem Jahr 2000 und 2004. Es ist nicht, ob andere Opfer existieren bekannt.