Marissa Burnham of south plainfeild, New Jersey
First Name: Marissa
Last Name: Burnham
STD(s): Genital Warts
, Genital Herpes
, Hepatitis C
, and HIV and AIDS
City: South Plainfeild
State/Territory: New Jersey
Country: United States
Age: 33
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Race: White
Sex: Female
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 5 ft. 9 inches
Weight: 180 lbs.
Infection Date: Thursday, April 6, 1995:
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure
Information Source: First hand knowledge(ex: confession)
More Information:
facebook profile
I had a sorrid life in and out of rehab centers and brothels, it was only after i was infected with the human papoloma virus did i feel i needed help.
This report is part of ACSERP. It's ACSERP count is '1'.
Copyright 2020 STD Carriers Disease Control and Prevention Services
P.O. Box 86653, Portland, Oregon 97286