STD Prevention Goals and Objectives
We are here to give people a heads up that they might not otherwise have.
Prevention is our Profession
Through informed alertness we want to assist people helping people to protect their
The More You Know
Knowledge is power and what you don’t know can endanger, hurt, and even kill you.
Our primary objective is to prevent the spread of the incurable sexually transmitted
diseases (STDs) HIV/AIDS, Genital Herpes (HSV2), Hepatitis C, HPV, and Genital Warts.
To do this we have built an information storage and distribution system designed
to serve as a public early warning alert system for identifying human biological
hazards. Once these hazards are identified our network of
automated news feeds, integrated social
networking, widgets for webmasters,
and search engine friendly design has the
ability to distribute alerts in real time to any place on the internet that is linked
to our network. The 12 Step Record Removal Program
assures the accuracy of all public reports by making sure that no hazard remains
in the registry if they have passed a screening
for the STD that they have been reported as carrying.
Alertness Not Reluctance
Each sexually transmitted disease (STD) carrier alert is like a blip on a radar
screen that until thoroughly investigated should not be ignored. History has proven
this time and again. In one such incident a few guys sitting in a Hawaiian bunker
brushed off a series of blips as a random error only to find out the hard way that
it was really a bunch of hostile Asian men. Fortunately higher ups learned from
this mistake and were able to properly identify some suspicious vodka enthusiasts
loitering in the Caribbean before persuading them to pack up their red rockets and
go home. This lesson was forgotten as laziness replaced vigilance over time creating
easy access for camel jockeys to hijack our T.V. screens and fill them with images
of poor structural engineering. As those examples clearly show that it is better
to be safe than sorry and we will keep all unconfirmed blips on your screen so that
you know to swim carefully.
2. Education
We want to educate the public about the facts, dangers, and myths about the transmission,
prevention, and treatment of STDs. As part of this effort we have dedicated not
just entire sections of this site, but have even created an entirely new site where
you can advertise your STD prevention and treatment solutions. To learn more visit
STD Merchandise or our pages on
STD Awareness,
STD Testing, and
STD Pictures.
STD Prevention Myths
Condoms Prevent STD Infections
A fully functional condom used properly dramatically reduces the risk of getting
a STD and is always a good idea. Unfortunately condoms can break during sex, have
manufacturing flaws invisible to the human eye, and in cases of some well endowed
men fail to cover the entire base of the penis.
No Symptoms = Not Contagious
Although you may have no visual symptoms you can still pass your STD to someone
else. This myth is especially common in when it comes to Genital Herpes in which
many people think that a lack of visual symptoms means that they are not contagious.
STD Prevention Facts:
Condoms reduce the risk of getting infected.
Abstinence is the only guaranteed way to avoid STDs.
If you don’t have sex with STD carriers then they cannot infect you.
Selective abstinence allows you to safely satisfy yourself.
3. Protection of Civil Liberties and Personal Responsibility
We will protect your right to free speech and expect you to use it responsibly.
Civil Liberties
STD Carriers believes in freedom of expression and will protect your right to freedom
of speech in accordance with our Free Speech and
Privacy Policy. Without the ability to share both your factual knowledge
and opinions without censorship you can never be free.
Your Personal Responsibility
With great freedom comes great responsibility. As a user of this website you are
fully responsible for your actions just as you are anywhere. If you act like a jackass
then you will be thought of as one. Exercise restraint and discipline when making
statements. If you make false accusations of STD infections then you will not be
protected and we will do everything we can to expose you as a fraud in the most
pubic of ways.
4. Awareness Raising Entertainment
No one likes a boring website and we are no exception. We want to provide you with
the most entertaining experience possible and have built several sections for entertaining
STD education.
Videos and Celebs
StDiVo started as a collection of
Herpes, HIV/AIDS,
Hepatitis, Genital Warts,
and HPV videos.
Celebrity Profiles
Celebrities exist for our entertainment and their STDs are no exception. Most of
our celebrity profiles contain original artwork in the form of parody and videos
featuring the profiled star.
News, Posters, and Shirts
STD Health News
The STD News Portal features a fully searchable
database of news articles collected from our original works and third party sites.
STD Posters
Our collection of VD Propaganda Posters
includes modern works such as our original STD Carriers posters and historical works
produced by various government agencies.
STD Shirts
The STD shirts section includes a variety
of affordable clothing that advocates for safe sex and STD prevention.
It is our goal that by promoting the sharing of information that we can ultimately
protect you health from dangerous diseases while protecting your civil liberties
and providing quality entertainment.
Copyright 2020 STD Carriers Disease Control and Prevention Services
P.O. Box 86653, Portland, Oregon 97286