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Disease Control and Prevention Services

Brandy Bergeron of Picayune , Mississippi

Carrier No. 1528 Reported by badbadbrandy on Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Brandy  Bergeron
Brandy Bergeron
First Name: Brandy
Last Name: Bergeron
STD(s): Genital Herpes
City: Picayune
State/Territory: Mississippi
Country: United States
Age: 25
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Race: White
Sex: Female
Hair: Red
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5 ft. 4 inches
Weight: 115 lbs.
Infection Date: Friday, June 6, 2008
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure
Information Source: First hand knowledge(ex: confession)

Brandy Bergeron also known as Brandy Hirsch is a cunning and sophisticated woman of the worst kind. Don't let her looks fool you. She is pure heartless evil. Sadly she even was a member of the Army until her dismissal for mental issues in 2010. She was at the rank of Sargent. She was infected with herpes in Iraq while having a one night stand with an unknown member of the armed forces down range. Go ARMY!!! Now she is here to pass it on to any unsuspecting innocent victim!

Her most recent relationship ended after she mentally abused her boyfriend (While she was "still" married to Jonathan Hirsch of San Diego) and never told the boyfriend she was positive for HSV2 until 3-4 weeks after first intercourse. The only reason her boyfriend found out was due to a private phone call made to him my her husband's (Jonathan Hirsch) friend from a blocked number while he was away in Germany. When confronted Ms. Hirsch played dumb on the phone and then showed up at her boyfriends house within 20 minutes to confess the Truth of it. She played a head game saying that "We will always be together" "It would make us closer" "I was afraid to lose you". Psycho!

Two months later and all the boyfriends money is gone at the hands of Ms. Hirsch, Her now ex-boyfriends mental state is in ruin as is his life, all Ms. Hirsch can say is "Sorry I ruined your life" "Sorry for the life long disease" "Somebody will accept you". Turned her back and left him to rot in a state of serious depression and HSV2.

Supplemental Genital Herpes Information

This author did not add a video to this Genital Herpes Outbreak Alert, so for now enjoy this playlist from our YouTube Channel featuring entertaining and educational videos about Herpes Simplex Viruses. These videos are here hoping to make you a happier and smarter person.

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