Jacqueline Thornberry of Kalamazoo MI Chicago IL, Illinois
Carrier No. 1687
Reported by Stdusername on Monday, March 12, 2012
Jacqueline Thornberry
First Name: Jacqueline
Last Name: Thornberry
STD(s): Genital Warts
City: Kalamazoo Mi Chicago Il
State/Territory: Illinois
Country: United States
Age: 32
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Race: White
Sex: Female
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5 ft. 8 inches
Weight: 180 lbs.
Infection Date: Saturday, June 25, 2005:
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure
Information Source: First hand knowledge(ex: confession)
Jackie is a pathological liar, sociopath, and isn't capable of feeling any empathy for the people she keeps infecting. If she ever tries to act sorry for infecting, it's only to protect herself from retaliation. She cried in my arms in 2005 about an incident of her getting drunk, and having sex with Jeremy, who was known in Naperville for having full size mushrooms on his member. I immediately cut out all sexual contact with her, and we waited. She seemed to be clean for over 3 months. Then bam, she calls crying. I came over, she had me inspect it, and it was a white, cauliflower growth, small on the inner side of her genital lip. Gave her money, and scheduled an appointment for a freeze removal. She never finished high school and was 25 at the time. I explained information remembered from my health class, years ago, that even temporarily removing the growth wouldn't prevent her infecting others. Problems started when she began to drink heavily, sleeping with clean people & not disclose. One time she brought a guy over, I asked him in the morning if he knew, he got so mad that I had to physically protect her. She is human, she wants to have sex and lead a normal life, and honesty doesn't mix with her needs. Disclosure doesn't fit into the equation when by the time he finds out, it's too late to know who and when. Last time we spoke, she was so proud of how slick she can be. So she cut me out. No friendship, and absolute freedom to knowingly pass on horrible things to people.
She wants to have sex with clean guys. People with the same infection are not even an option for her. I never met anyone so selfish. Her actions have a negative, direct causation on the lives of many innocent people. She now lives in Kalamazoo Michigan, and visits Chicago for one-night-stands often. Goes by Jackie Thornberry, Apple Sauce, or Sauce Short Bus Crew (SauceSBC).
Supplemental Genital Warts InformationThis author chose not to add a video to this Genital Warts report. As long as that remains the case you can enjoy this playlist containing facts and information about Genital Warts.
This report is part of ACSERP. It's ACSERP count is '3'.