Prevention is Our Profession
Disease Control and Prevention Services

Barbara Henson of Olympia, Washington

Carrier No. 1766 Reported by todmharks on Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Barbara Henson
Barbara Henson
First Name: Barbara
Last Name: Henson
STD(s): Genital Herpes , HPV
City: Olympia
State/Territory: Washington
Country: United States
Age: 40
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Race: White
Sex: Female
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5 ft. 5 inches
Weight: 135 lbs.
Infection Date: Thursday, June 11, 2009:
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure
Information Source: First hand knowledge(ex: confession)

Barbara Henson has infected multiple persons. I got HPV, Herpes, and Trench, from her! Because she did not disclose these ahead of time, I not only got infected myself, but spread them to others that I love and care about. She will have sex with you in trade for weed or other drugs!! She is pregnant and still does drugs, and has unprotected sex. She not only needs to disclose this items to partners, but needs to take steps to care for her unborn child. I have tried to tell her multiple times that she gave me these things, and needs to take precaution with her partners, but she refuses. As a result, she has and continues to infect multiple people. Please but careful around her, and ask yourself if it is really worth it.

Supplemental Genital Herpes Information

This author did not add a video to this Genital Herpes Outbreak Alert, so for now enjoy this playlist from our YouTube Channel featuring entertaining and educational videos about Herpes Simplex Viruses. These videos are here hoping to make you a happier and smarter person.

This report is part of ACSERP. It's ACSERP count is '7'.

3/13/2012 - She gave me Herpes also!! And because she did not tell me, I gave it to my wife. I know, I shouldn't have been messing around. But that can be fixed. Herpes can not be fixed!! She refuses to admit it. Now I have marital problems! She use to call me only when she needed shit. now she gets it from someone else. Whoever you are dude, be careful with how she wants to pay for it.

P.O. Box 86653, Portland, Oregon 97286