Prevention is Our Profession
Disease Control and Prevention Services

Michael Gregory Moore of Safety Harbor, Florida

Carrier No. 1865 Reported by Katryn on Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Michael Gregory Moore
Michael Gregory Moore
First Name: Michael Gregory
Last Name: Moore
STD(s): Genital Herpes , HPV , Hepatitis C
City: Safety Harbor
State/Territory: Florida
Country: United States
Age: 40
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Race: White
Sex: Male
Hair: Red
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5 ft. 8 inches
Weight: 160 lbs.
Infection Date: Friday, February 10, 2012:
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure
Information Source: First hand knowledge(ex: confession)

I started seeing Michael G. Moore, at the beginning of June. I met him at a casino over in Seminole,Fl. He told me he hasn't been seeing anyone for over a year or more since his wife passed any. I felt sorry for him but he seemed like a nice guy so I started dating him.

The first time we were intimate we were using protection but the more we encountered each other, he assured me I was the only one. In September when I would call him to hang out, he would come up with different excuses of having to tend to his mother. I had a private detective follow him and later found out he was over in Tampa visiting a woman. I stopped calling him after I confronted him and all he could do is tell more lies. And after thinking about all the times he would bring over alcohol to get drunk and have sex with me I then got scared. I friend of mine told me to go get tested just to make sure and ease me mind but I put it off because of fear. She then took me to get tested. I was never wrecking only to find out this dishonest SOB gave me three STD's and he should be exposed.

I will upload his picture later

Supplemental Genital Herpes Information

This author did not add a video to this Genital Herpes Outbreak Alert, so for now enjoy this playlist from our YouTube Channel featuring entertaining and educational videos about Herpes Simplex Viruses. These videos are here hoping to make you a happier and smarter person.

This report is part of ACSERP. It's ACSERP count is '3'.

3/20/2012 - If you had sexual contact with man, i urge you to go get tested asap.
3/20/2012 - March 23, 1972
3/20/2012 - 199 Irwin St W Safety Harbor, Fl
He also lied being arrested in Pinellas County, Fl.

P.O. Box 86653, Portland, Oregon 97286