Prevention is Our Profession
Disease Control and Prevention Services

Richard Alexander of Oklahoma, Oklahoma

Carrier No. 1958 Reported by Caseyc01 on Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Richard Alexander
Richard Alexander
First Name: Richard
Last Name: Alexander
STD(s): Genital Herpes
City: Oklahoma
State/Territory: Oklahoma
Country: United States
Age: 46
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Race: White
Sex: Male
Hair: Light Brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 5 ft. 10 inches
Weight: 220 lbs.
Infection Date: Friday, January 1, 1999:
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure
Information Source: First hand knowledge(ex: confession)

Infected does NOT use protection. Usally juggling at least 3 women at one time. Exasy to verify. 1). See if he'll let u see his phone

2). Have him tested. 3). Pay attention to what he says, compulsive liar.. Likes to pretend he's a victim of everything, nothing could be further from the truth. 4). Highly aggressive atnd volatile temper. Doesn't really like women sees them as objects for sex. If ur not giving him something he needs ur of no use to him. Extremely selfish.

Aware of infection fails repeatedly to inform partners before exposure.. Generally sleeping with multiple partners without protection at one time. If confronted with issue explosive and violent temper. Very dishonest about almost every aspect of his life. Loves to speak negatively about exes likes to say their crazy so if ex speaks to newest person being exposed current partner won't believe them. Don't believe me get him mad one time & see what happens. Also, HAVE him tested!!!!!

Supplemental Genital Herpes Information

This author did not add a video to this Genital Herpes Outbreak Alert, so for now enjoy this playlist from our YouTube Channel featuring entertaining and educational videos about Herpes Simplex Viruses. These videos are here hoping to make you a happier and smarter person.

This report is part of ACSERP. It's ACSERP count is '4'.

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