Prevention is Our Profession
Disease Control and Prevention Services

Jay Polena of Franklin Park , Chicago , Illinois

Carrier No. 2018 Reported by deceived2 on Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Jay Polena
Jay Polena
First Name: Jay
Last Name: Polena
STD(s): HIV and AIDS , HPV
City: Franklin Park , Chicago
State/Territory: Illinois
Country: United States
Age: 33
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Race: White
Sex: Male
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5 ft. 8 inches
Weight: 210 lbs.
Infection Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure
Information Source: First hand knowledge(ex: confession)

Jay Polena is a married male who resides in Franklin Park, Il, and owns Penny Pinchers Thrift store on Central Ave and Lawrence Ave in Chicago. He also works for Monster Jam as a quad racer. Jay Polena, although married for 10 years, engages in random, unprotected sexual activity with countless men/women while traveling from State to State for Monster Jam. During the off season, Jay has engaged in relationships with unsuspecting women, posing as a divorced man, disguising his affairs as "obsessed, disgruntled, mentally ill x-employees and customers".

Polena denies any illness and extramarital affairs. Evidence to the contrary, *Public record #2008400989201-gulty plea for solicitation of prostitution charge , public surveillance and statements from his personal friends (employees) have been shared with authorities

Polena continues to knowingly spread STD's to unsuspecting individuals.

If you are a victim of this hate crime, seek medical help immediately, report your truth, and care for yourself.

It's not your fault.

. Feel free to contact me in confidence.

Supplemental HIV/AIDS Information

This author chose not to add a video to this HIV/AIDS report, so please enjoy this supplemental playlist of videos containing facts and information about HIV/AIDS.

quadwars48 said:

5/18/2012 - JAY POLENA has medical records in hand to prove he DOES NOT have HIV or AIDS. He is being harassed by CONCETTA MILITELLO of chicago. There are several reports, photos and more to prove this. Penny PInchers has never had any employees proof that deceived 2 is lying... JAY's friends and family are actually trying to help him through this attempt to defame his good name.. JAY WILL NOT GO DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT.

quadwars48 said:

5/17/2012 - just another attempt to slander ones good name. I'm sure this guys life will continue without any problem because I'm sure he was smart enough to have gone to the authorities and have this sites records subpoena so he can have anyone harassing him arrested and sued. i sure hope whoever made these false claims has not harassed him in other ways because I'm sure he has documentation and more of all of it. Sounds like you may lack the integrity you speak of. This site is a joke as are the claims!!

deceived2 said:

5/15/2012 - Thank you for reiterating the websites readily available disclaimers and terms of use policy.

People of integrity, who value themselves and the greater good , doubtfully would go to the extent of posting sensitive information without having researched the legality and privacy issues. I'm confident, users on this site post their known truths, certainly having a strong trail of documentation to corroborate their statements.

quadwars48 said:

5/4/2012 - Read the legal disclaimer and the steps for removal and you will see that this information is not a proven fact. Information here is provided by users only meaning people can make up things and post them. under the section that states report for removal people who have been reported can have the person arrested and sued.

. if you read into this site you will see it is very easy to make a false report.

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