Krista Johnson Graves of Southern Oregon, Oregon
Carrier No. 2146
Reported by tonya97527 on Tuesday, June 12, 2012
First Name: Krista
Last Name: Johnson Graves
STD(s): Genital Herpes
, Genital Warts
City: Southern Oregon
State/Territory: Oregon
Country: United States
Age: 32
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Race: White
Sex: Female
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 5 ft. 6 inches
Weight: 200 lbs.
Infection Date: Friday, January 1, 1999:
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure
Information Source: First hand knowledge(ex: confession)
Has been known to be promiscuous,self admitted to having both genital warts and Genietal herpes,most of her partners claim she denies having anything,and has even requested no condoms,alledgedly.Was at one time taking medication to manage the herpes outbreaks,and has had the warts burned of as well.
This report is part of ACSERP. It's ACSERP count is '1'.
Copyright 2020 STD Carriers Disease Control and Prevention Services
P.O. Box 86653, Portland, Oregon 97286