Prevention is Our Profession
Disease Control and Prevention Services

Alexandra Harbushka of Las Vegas, Nevada

Carrier No. 3251 Reported by on Saturday, April 18, 2020
Alexandra Harbushka
Alexandra Harbushka
First Name: Alexandra
Last Name: Harbushka
STD(s): Genital Herpes
City: Las Vegas
State/Territory: Nevada
Country: United States
Age: 37
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Race: White
Sex: Female
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5 ft. 3 inches
Weight: 130 lbs.
Infection Date: Friday, July 1, 2016
Disclosure History: Has not failed to notify someone before exposure
Information Source: Published Source

Alexandra Harbushka sure knows how to leave herself open to jabs with good intentions. She posted this picture of herself on her "Life with Herpes" website alongside an article about why people with herpes need to be honest with their sexual partners. To the best of our knowledge she has never failed to disclose her status to anyone at risk, and we don't want people to get the wrong idea from this picture. She isn't saying that she herself "slept with someone and didn't tell them [she] had herpes." If you follow the source link on this page you will see that she was actually targeting people that can actually say that about themselves with a message about why they should start telling people about their STDs.

According to a video she posted in October of 2019 she found out that she had herpes when her doctor called her the Friday before the 4th of July. She did not say what year, but she registered her domain name in March of 2017, so we think she got herpes during the summer of 2016.

Alexandra Harbushka decided to own her condition by making a business out of it. She created an online community for people with herpes to connect and provide themselves with support. The only problem with it is that it is no free and you can't find out if it is worth the money unless you join. It must be something thought because she seems to have made her livelihood out of it. She has websites, social media accounts, and YouTube channels dedicated to living with herpes. She has written countless articles and produced countless videos on the topic, so again it must be something.

We learned of Ms. Harbushka from an article she wrote and a video she made about famous people with herpes. We think that she wrongfully named Derek Jeter because those rumors about him do not appear to be substantiated.

In the video below you can hear from Harbushka in her own words talking about the importance of disclosure.

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