Marie haitz Marie Debow of Gloucester, New Jersey
Carrier No. 3395
Reported by Big man on Thursday, April 15, 2021
Marie Haitz Marie Debow
First Name: Marie haitz
Last Name: Marie Debow
STD(s): HIV and AIDS
, Genital Herpes
City: Gloucester
State/Territory: New Jersey
Country: United States
Age: 43
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Race: White
Sex: Transgender
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 5 ft. 6 inches
Weight: 160 lbs.
Infection Date: Wednesday, August 3, 1977
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure
Information Source: First hand knowledge(ex: confession)
This womans second occupation is a back page call girl. She has an insatiable hunger for sex. Shes on multiple dating websites looking for sex. If youve been with her you need to be tested!!
Just google her name and you’ll see what your dealing with
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