Prevention is Our Profession
Disease Control and Prevention Services

Kahlie Mooney of Leominster, Massachusetts

Carrier No. 626 Reported by Karma on Thursday, June 11, 2009
Kahlie Mooney
Kahlie Mooney
First Name: Kahlie
Last Name: Mooney
STD(s): Genital Warts , Genital Herpes
City: Leominster
State/Territory: Massachusetts
Country: United States
Age: 21
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Race: White
Sex: Female
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5 ft. 8 inches
Weight: 160 lbs.
Infection Date: Monday, January 1, 2007
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure
Information Source: Third party

Carrier has slept with 2 known partners that are HPV positive and has admitted to experiencing bumps on her genitals. It is rumored that the carrier has genital herpes too.

Supplemental Genital Warts Information

This author chose not to add a video to this Genital Warts report. As long as that remains the case you can enjoy this playlist containing facts and information about Genital Warts.


6/24/2011 - One more thing, the physical description of her isnt even accurate. Just wanted to throw that out there, cause cleary KARMA doesnt know her on a personal level....further confirming the likelihood the person posting this is completely full of it. How are you going to know that much about a persons genitals and thier sexual history but are way off on height and weight.

6/24/2011 - Im not with kahlie anymore but im tired of seeing this site pop up anytime i put her name in online. I was kahlie's boyfriend at the time this was first posted on here. We were off and on for 2yrs so i can say with complete confidence that this whole write up is false... She doesnt and has never had any kind of STD. This was cleary made up by eather one of her exes or one of mine. This crap needs to end, this isnt funny nor is it a good way to get back at someone, its childish. Delete it already

sparkle17 said:

1/17/2010 - Bad move Karma. You realize you can sue someone for posting false information online don't you? Shame on you..

STDcarriers said:

7/6/2009 - I think you meant whom you know, but anyway, by your logic, you should also put the person who caught what it was on here as well. Since they had 50% stake in spreading it. It's his job to keep his dick in his pants, and you need to stop going on the web trying to ruffle feathers. K luv ya Bye.

Karma said:

6/15/2009 - When a person has a STD and fails to inform their sexual partners, who you know, you make it your business

adminhost said:

6/13/2009 - Hey, looks like you have some serious time on your hands for talking shit on the internet...

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