Best known as "Boogie" on Big Brother 2 Mike Malin went on win Big Brother All-Stars in 2006. In 2007 he appeared on an episode of Dr. 90210 where he had a Genital Wart removed by his friend Dr. Will Kirby. Malin attributes the wart to his success as a reality star and his promiscuous lifestyle. When the two went out for drinks afterward Malin explained "I don't make good decisions after 10 drinks, I make adequate ones after 9".
The original video of Mike Malin being diagnosed with genital warts on an episode of Dr. 90210 is no longer available, so this article has been updated to include a video showing various clips of Mike Malin and Dr. Will.
The source URL of this report has been updated to include an article about the episode of Dr. 90210 in which he is diagnosed with genital warts.