Natasha Brunstein of New York, New York
Natasha Brunstein
First Name: Natasha
Last Name: Brunstein
STD(s): HIV and AIDS
, Hepatitis C
, Genital Herpes
, Genital Warts
, and HPV
City: New York
State/Territory: New York
Country: United States
Age: 25
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Race: White
Sex: Female
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5 ft. 4 inches
Weight: 95 lbs.
Infection Date: Monday, January 1, 1990
Disclosure History: Has not failed to notify someone before exposure
Information Source: First hand knowledge(ex: confession)
Natasha Beinstein is an Israeli terrorist who plans to commit Jihad (Holy War) against every ape non-Jew believer. Her bass is full of chlamydia from all the crack she's been smoking way up on Hillel street each and every Saturday morning.
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P.O. Box 86653, Portland, Oregon 97286