Pamela Suzanne Antonio (Fowler, CA), who works as a contracted Phlebotomist for NextGen Laboratories, tested positive for Genital HPV and HSV and knowingly exposed her sexual partners in contracting these infections without informing them and without the use of protection.
If you are sexually active with Pamela Suzanne Antonio:
Use latex condoms the right way every time you have sex. This can lower your chances of getting HPV. But HPV can infect areas not covered by a condom so condoms may not fully protect against getting HPV.
Be in a mutually monogamous relationship or have sex only with someone who only has sex with you. Unlike Pamela Antonio, who carries several sexual relations with various people.
HPV infection complications can include:
Cancer. Cervical cancer has been closely linked with genital HPV infection. Certain types of HPV also are associated with cancers of the vulva, anus, penis, and mouth and throat.
Problems during pregnancy. Rarely during pregnancy, warts can enlarge, making it difficult to urinate. Warts on the vaginal wall can inhibit the stretching of vaginal tissues during childbirth.
If you or know of anyone that were sexually active with Pamela Antonio in the past year or so, please know you have a right to file charges against her in the State of California. Anyone who has any kind of infectious, communicable, or contagious disease in California commits a crime if that person exposes herself to others. This crime is punishable as a misdemeanor offense.
(California Health & Safety Code section 120290.)
On March 10th, 2019, a former contracted phlebotomist employed by LabCorp, named Pamela Antonio (Fowler, CA) was performing her rounds of blood collections for the day. She enters room 204 to draw a 75-year old woman patient who was admitted for an atrial fibrillation. When she introduces herself and asks for consent to draw her blood, the patient shouts, No! and asks Pamela Antonio to leave and not come back. The patient made it very clear that she did not want the phlebotomist Pamela Antonio to draw her blood.
This same phlebotomist, Pamela Antonio has drawn the patient for several days for a Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Thromboplastin Time (aPTT) with some minor incident, she reports this situation to the nurse. The nurse informs the phlebotomist that the patient has formed a complaint against her and did not want her, in particular, to draw her blood.
Pamela Antonio proceeds in yelling at the nurse that she (the nurse) is incompetent and improperly trained in her duties. The nurse explains to Pamela Antonio that the blood had been drawn from the dorsal side of her hand for several days, which was now bruised and swollen. The patient complained of moderate pain, especially when she moved her fingers. Upon observation there was a diffuse ecchymosis over the dorsal side of the hand that extends up the forearm to the elbow. A blister formed at the site of venipuncture on her hand.
A formal complaint was made against the phlebotomist, Pamela Antonio and LabCorp for not following the standard of care. A charge of negligence was brought against the phlebotomist Pamela Antonio for drawing the patient multiple times in her hand for coagulation studies that created a large hematoma and a blister. The blister became infected and the patient needed several surgeries, including multiple skin grafts.
Following the standard of care, the phlebotomist Pamela Antonio should have known that in drawing coagulation studies, the patient was most likely on a blood anticoagulant. When patients are on blood anticoagulants they tend to bleed. Pressure should have been applied until bleeding was totally stopped. A two point check should have been done to ensure all bleeding stopped before putting on a bandage. Blood should not be drawn from a site that has a hematoma. Additionally, Pamela Antonio has a professional liability, as do all other healthcare professionals. Professional liability is being legally responsible for actions, and ensuring the standard of care is followed.
Pamela Suzanne Antonio has a drug history and a known user of both meth and marijuana. Her drug tests were performed with no supervision in the past as she carried clean samples with her in the test areas. The Phlebotomy Standard Operating Procedures must be adhered and see to that Pamela Antonio is drug tested immediately and, removed from her position in your clinic if tests fail.
Pamela Suzanne Antonio has been deemed a liability to LabCorp indefinitely and may pose as a risk to your clinic at NextGen Laboratories.
Vincent Espinoza, MD DSN