Prevention is Our Profession
Disease Control and Prevention Services

Christopher Anderson of Wixom, Michigan

Carrier No. 9642 Reported by MaxwellKnight7 on Monday, February 6, 2023
Christopher Anderson
Christopher Anderson
First Name: Christopher
Last Name: Anderson
STD(s): Genital Herpes , Hepatitis C , Genital Warts , HPV , and HIV and AIDS
City: Wixom
State/Territory: Michigan
Country: United States
Age: 46
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Race: White
Sex: Male
Hair: Light Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5 ft. 6 inches
Weight: 165 lbs.
Infection Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure
Information Source: First hand knowledge(ex: confession)

Christopher Anderson is sometimes Chrissy Anderson, depends on the day.

Because he/she/it didn't finish transitioning 22+ years ago when he had the chance, that was b/c a gf from Alabama "didn't want a GF, but wanted a BF instead," he decided he wasn't really Trans, but was Bi instead.

And it's definitely everyone else's fault.

This lead to this Narcissist constantly complaining to his partners how he "wasn't born Female," for years, & stating things like "You can never know what it's like to be a Woman" or "You were born Female, but you're wasting it," to all of his partners, who are in fact actually, truly Female.

He was caught several years ago, when he was 42, talking to "girls" on social media around the US, saying how "pretty" they looked, he liked their cheerleading outfits. When confronted, he "didn't know they were in high school," shut down his account, only to bring it back a few days later.

This was definitely b/c his GF "didn't trust him" & "was always spying on him."

Of course all these girls he was talking to, who did not know one another, were "trying to fool him" & "set up White men who had money."

Again, not his fault, everyone else's.

A few years later, the home's Internet slowed way down. His GF finally logged into the Router, where she found HUNDREDS of Men from all over the World on it, she searched the IP addresses. China, Germany, Australia, Russia, US.

What were the doing? Christopher Chrissy Anderson had put in an OPEN back door so that anyone on the planet could share in his obsession with Porn, so much of it.

How much?

Try over 125,000 photos, videos, live chats etc of XXX-Rated Porn.

He was really having a relationship not with a real Woman, but with Suicide Girls & ladies on PornHub he'd never meet, but maybe one time "liked" a comment of his, or something.

When Mr. Anderson was confronted about the 24/7 FREE Library of Porn 4 the Entire World, he went nuts.

He committed DV against his DISABLED GF, several times. He broke the Router. Threw mugs & glassware into the wall. Broke doors to cabinets. Smartly put his forehead thru a full-size sliding glass door. Stole the GF's car. Left, never came back.

All b/c his GF was apparently a SPY, not his fault he'd opened up their private computers to the entire World, inc. Communist countries.

Mr. Anderson lawyered-up, he had ALL of the utilities shut off on his GF & their rescue pets, inc. the gas in the middle of Winter in Michigan. He stopped paying the mortgage, oh yes, he was the co-borrower, but the Corrupt Mitten that is Michigan doesn't care about Disabled Women. He changed his phone #, disappeared, blocked her email, on social media (changed to 248.924.0965).

GF got a PPO on this piece of human trash, he works IT at a co. in Southfield, MI called SME, Society for Manufacturing Engineers, direct line 313.425.3338.

SME DEFENDED this guy. Said his lawyer had better protect them, a $Billion dollar$ non-profit from his Deaf, Disabled GF. When she had him served for the PPO, their employees LIED & said he wasn't there, tho car was in parking garage, snuck & called his Atty while the Process Server was standing there with papers.

This garbage co., their main audience? CHILDREN. Middle & High School.

This guy does their IT, he sets up all computers, v/a, projectors, etc. on the 19th & 20th floors of their skyscraper on Town Center, but he's also sent out to local schools. Where he is around many small children.

And SME was told. They covered for him. Yep, they didn't protect any kids, nope, they told him to get his lawyer to go after the Disabled Ex GF, leaving this Abuser to work with & around small children, FT, 5 days a week.

Mainly done by: Vice President of Information Technology

Erica Ciupak

Also contacted & defended a Pedo. at SME

Vice President of Human Resources

Kathleen Borgula,

Executive Director & CEO

Robert "Bob" Willig,

Chief Financial Officer

Craig Connop,

Manager of Governance

Debbie Clark, & the entire HR Department.

These diseases definitely spread there too, with corrupt, immoral, dumb Men & Women, who lie about their Employee being there & interfere with a Process Server with a valid, Judge-Ordered Restraining Order.

SME: 1000 Town Center, Suite 1910

Southfield, MI 48075


Those 2 ladies at their front desk also had an issue with the Process Server b/c he is a Black Man. Yep.

Their HR was also told that Mr. Anderson was dealing drugs, these were prescription, marijuana, "oils," meds stolen from his GF, & he was selling them at SME & in that building.

For a year & a half, this germ-ridden, short, bald, Porn Addict, who is now 46 & still can't stop complaining every day about "being picked on in high school," has filed lawsuits against the ex-GF. Who is not protected, even tho Disabled, even tho DEAF, by anyone in the State of Corruption, MI.

Even tho he stole her car, he bought himself a new one: 2022 CHEVROLET EQUINOX, plate EQT1926.

And now it comes to this: that GF has trained herself in Computer spying.

The actual spying she was NOT doing, but being accused of for a DECADE, she now learned.

And this genius Man Woman Wannabe left 20 hard drives behind.

Of course, he'd deleted everything.

That didn't stop her from finding the 125,000+ pieces of Porn.

Sure no one cared, but she did, she'd wasted so much of her life with such a LOSER.

She downloaded every free & trial version of programs which UNDELETED those deleted files.

Restored them right back like new.

There were many many many "models" going back almost 20 years. Suicide Girls, webcam subscriptions, movies, photos... some of the "unprofessional" ones looked kind of young. Not 18.

Then like a beacon of light, there it was. A folder she hadn't noticed before:


And that folder, in a very negative way, answered all her prayers, & will destroy Mr. Christopher Todd Anderson's life.

That was a hidden folder of Gay Porn. Dated 2017 & prior, when the site got rid of nudity & pornography.

But here it was, in all its deleted glory. About 80 MP4's.

And a dozen of those are very relevant. So relevant, in fact, they're getting retrieved & handed over to some Govt. Officials, b/c the BOYS staring in the videos, well they're just that, Boys. Along with about a hundred photos of what look like Girls.


A letter arrived from Governor Whitmer, thanking Christopher Anderson for all of his Military Service.

Mr. Anderson has never set foot on Military property.

On the bottom of his Driver's License now it says, "Veteran" in red letters.

He is stealing from the Armed Forces via the help of his Atty, his job, & the Mitten of Corruption, Michigan.

So if you live near this piece of sick trash in Wixom, MI at the Stone Ridge Apt. Complex, like near to 30996 STONE RIDGE DR APT 9310, stay far away.

And keep your kids away too.

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