(2) To foster awareness of Catholic identity through a specific curriculum of religious education; The only religious education was Theology, and that was mainly lectured in the beginning by priests or nuns who lost their temper at how disrespectful and vile the students took with no regard of respect to their teacher and students. The course which was repetitive for 4 years was useless and impractical to apply in anything realistic in academic terms since a majority never was spiritual to begin with.
(7) To encourage the learning, sharing, and spreading of Gospel values. There were no signs of gospel values even its final years from 2005 to 2009. Records and complaints were shattered by some teachers who turned out to be alumni of the year 2000 and managed to delete any of their notoriety records. The vice principal at the time, Damian Kennedy, was surrounded by an inexperienced, cost effective lineup of former graduates who managed to get hired to become coaches and teachers. Overall to some claims of students of that time, did say the lack of professionalism, respect, and dedication from this new wave of teachers only worked to make sure to meet standards and campaigning that the quality of the High School was better than state
1) Computers: the computer room had outdated windows 3.1 Computers between the years 1994-2003. The only usable computers that had functional browsers were custom made non-brand computers located at the library and were normally hacked by random students. By the early 1990s there was no computer course even if years later during the parent night tours for potential students to enroll guaranteed there was such courses just for the sake of enrolling students.
4) French Club: A struggling club which was existing throughout the 1980s and revived with the help of Mrs Dalia El Rakaybie. However, due to the lack of interest and effort the society dissolved for the 2005 year. Mrs El Rakaybie however encountered harassments from some Arab wahabi students and some French speaking students for unknown reasons which led to her to leave the school in mid 2000s.
5) Forensics: An old club that existed during the early 1980s but shut down during 1986 due to a lack of demand from students.
6) Key Club: It was a failed club that was shut down in 1992 but revived briefly on the late r 1990s after a teacher was an affiliated member of the Kiwanis society but after his departure the key club stopped existing due to lack of knowledge from other teachers how to manage it.
(7) Modeling Club: It was a club moderated by Nathy Labatta. The club managed to create some fashion shows with the support from students. It was probably the only club the populated alpha males and alpha females endorsed to making sure it was always functional.
(8) Music Club: The high school was financially challenged that the music club came to existence due to budget issues and was not able to afford to buy musical instruments nor even start a marching band due to a decreasing population of students.
(9) Quiz Bowl Team: The club was monitored by Sister Anne James Guerin. The team was inexistent by 2006, due to a lack of interest from students and a request from Sr. Anne James claiming a series of verbal harassments from students throughout the years.
(10) Student Council: It was a selected group of students who were voted by their peers to represent their views in the administrative actions of the school. In practice it was a society that had little or no voice of what was happening in the school. Also with the help of some council members it was discovered the actual wages of the faculty. Which was drastically lower than the average salary of a part time and full time teacher from a public high school (1989-1999, 18% less). It is also through this council that it was discovered that the masses held on Sunday by Saint Joseph of the Palisades were using its donations to balance the expenses caused by Saint Joseph of the Palisades high school.
SCHOOLS ETHICS (what it really meant) Directly from the now defunct Saint Joseph high school website.
(1) Religious And Moral Development: (having a theology class cover a bias view of Christianity and punishing those who would debunk its core teachings. Most students by the time they reached year 4 had some type of moral development but not in the way Bishop David Arias Perez would have wanted. Some were pulling girls skirts, swimming team members trying to indoctrinate some of their new members with sexual acts)
(2) To foster awareness of Catholic identity through a specific curriculum of religious education; The only religious education was Theology, and that was mainly lectured in the beginning by priests or nuns who lost their temper at how disrespectful and vile the students took with no regard of respect to their teacher and students. The course which was repetitive for 4 years was useless and impractical to apply in anything realistic in academic terms since a majority never was spiritual to begin with.
(3) To exhibit the ideals of Catholic concern and service; the track, swimming, tennis teams bullying other students who were not part of their clique was a service of a true two faced standard the school carried.
(4) To provide a variety of liturgical and spiritual activities; there was a mandatory confession time that students were ordered or pressured to have a 1-1 session with the priest to confess sins. Also by senior year, a mandatory dinner with Bishop David Arias Perez was necessary otherwise the student would not be allowed to graduate.
(5) To present clearly a Catholic value system; Attempted murder at the swimming pool by the swimming team.
(6) To prepare students to meet the moral and spiritual challenges of our society Such as having an untrained counselor like Ida Martinez prepare the college forms to a small selected number because of the favoritism those selected students had because of family ties with the school.
(7) To encourage the learning, sharing, and spreading of Gospel values. There were no signs of gospel values even its final years from 2005 to 2009. Records and complaints were shattered by some teachers who turned out to be alumni of the year 2000 and managed to delete any of their notoriety records. The vice principal at the time, Damian Kennedy, was surrounded by an inexperienced, cost effective lineup of former graduates who managed to get hired to become coaches and teachers. Overall to some claims of students of that time, did say the lack of professionalism, respect, and dedication from this new wave of teachers only worked to make sure to meet standards and campaigning that the quality of the High School was better than state school management.