Crystal E. Garrett of Lake Charles, Louisiana
Carrier No. 983
Reported by trammyfitz on Thursday, February 18, 2010
First Name: Crystal E.
Last Name: Garrett
STD(s): Genital Herpes
City: Lake Charles
State/Territory: Louisiana
Country: United States
Age: 27
Sexual Orientation: Not Sure
Race: Black
Sex: Female
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5 ft. 2 inches
Weight: 150 lbs.
Infection Date: Friday, May 1, 2009:
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure
Information Source: Third party
I have reason to believe this person may be intentionally infecting partners in the Lake charles, La area. I was told by a person who was sleeping with her and later found out that he was a carrier. He claims that he tried to tell her and she is refusing to accept it and refusing to inform her other partners. If you are involved with this woman I suggest you get tested to be sure.
This report is part of ACSERP. It's ACSERP count is '1'.
Copyright 2020 STD Carriers Disease Control and Prevention Services
P.O. Box 86653, Portland, Oregon 97286