DARREN AMBLER is a known sex addict, drug abuser, male prostitute, pathological liar and STD Carrier. Darren lives much of his lonely life in denial. Darren has had graphic sex with about 200 women over a 7 year period.
Darren Ambler lives in Cherry Hill NJ. He presently works for a Home Infusion Company (Locally) . He is a Pharmacist. A bad profession for a drug abuser for sure. Darren is verbally and physically abusive to women.
Darren Ambler has fathered at least 5 Illegitimate children over the past 6 years. Darren refuses to financially support these offspring and they are in need of medical care and food. Darren is demented and selfish and does not care about anyone but his ugly and demented self.
Darren has slept with many Domes after paying their fee. He also enjoys street hookers and drug addicts. Darren abuses street drugs and pharmaceutical drugs all of the time, Darren has sow self worth, compulsively lies and has transmitted a number of STD infections.
Megan Benzley, Jen, Mindy, Jolene, Katie, Stephanie are just a few of his many female bed partners. Darren has transmitted Herpes, HIV and Clidimya. Darren is a low down piece of recycled garbage with zero class, etiquette or manners
Darren Ambler is immoral and a mental case all around. He became angry when he was exposed to the world about what he is and how he lives his life. Darren Ambler naturally had to pay for kinky sex because no one in their right mind would sleep with him because of his ugly body- face and lack of personality. His breath is rancid also. Darren has nothing to offer anyone.
Darren threatened many of his secret lovers. He was high one night and threatened to burn down a crack house in West Phila. Darren is a liar and bad news all around. Everyone knows what a sleaze ball Darren really is.
Darren Ambler in an incompetent daddy and should lose custody of his two kids in NJ. His other 5 children are ignored by selfish pitiful cheap Darren Ambler. Darren enjoys his life of prostitution and he openly admits his very open and immoral lifestyle. Darren is also a Cyber stalker and almost went to the slammer for stalking someone on line (check Google for that story).
Darren Ambler is 47 years, homely, skinny, a dork, no muscle tone, a shabby dresser and horrible sewer breath. Never trust this arrogant, liar, low-life. He better start to recognize his illegitimate kids and support them,
Darren Ambler takes no responsibility for his actions and blames his immoral lifestyle on everyone else.